EU neemt notitie van vervallen onderdelenvereiste

De EUAA, de European Union Agency on Asylum, is het agentschap dat de EU-landen helpt de Europese wetten en procedures rond asiel te implementeren. De EUAA publiceert jaarlijks een verslag over de belangrijkste veranderingen in beleid, praktijk en rechtspraak in Europa. In het rapport van deze zomer neemt men notitie van de uitspraak in Nederland over het onderdelenvereiste door de Raad van State in december 2022.

In het 431 pagina dikke jaarrapport wordt iMMO genoemd in verband met het vervallen van het zogenoemde onderdelenvereiste. In de tekst staat:

With regard to the use of medical reports in the examination of an asylum application, the Council of State in the Netherlands ruled in December 2022 that the ‘component requirement’ was no longer tenable. The ‘component requirement’ means that, if in a forensic medico-legal report the examiner (for instance, the Dutch Institute for Human Rights and Medical Assessment (iMMO)) has come to the conclusion that the physical and psychological situation of the asylum seeker may have affected (heavily) their ability to tell their asylum story in a complete, consistent and coherent manner during the interviews with the IND, the examiner should be able to pinpoint directly which components of the asylum story were effected. The component rule was laid down by the Council of State in its landmark ruling of 27 June 2018. However, those with relevant expertise (e.g. iMMO) pointed out that from a medical and scientific point of view the component requirement could not be met satisfactorily for the IND and the legal courts. Accordingly, in its judgment the Council of State abandoned the view it adopted in 2018.

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