Medical assessment of torture victims
iMMO provides forensic medical assessments for suspected victims of torture and inhumane treatment, particularly in asylum proceedings or human trafficking cases.
Are you a lawyer or counselor and do you suspect that your client is a victim of torture or other extreme (sexual) violence? If so, you can request a medical assessment by iMMO.
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About iMMO

Become a rapporteur at iMMO
iMMO is grateful for the support of professionals – especially medics and psychologists/psychiatrists – who have the required knowledge and expertise and are willing to volunteer.
Rapporteurs, in compliance with procedures, formats and protocols applicable within iMMO, perform diagnostics independently, based on their own professional responsibility. They report their findings to the iMMO medical staff who review the reports.
A rapporteur has education and experience relevant to conducting investigations. He/she should be willing to acquire specific knowledge and skills and also be willing to learn from peer reviews. Rapporteurs receive in-house training in the use of the Istanbul Protocol.
Court emphasizes diligence iMMO report
After Kevin* submits his first asylum application in 2021, the IND rejects it on the grounds that his statements are implausible and inconsistent. Kevin appeals the decision, submitting an iMMO report as medical support evidence.
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Donors and partners
Stichting Dioraphte – Fundatie Van den Santheuvel, Sobbe – Kansfonds – KNR/Projects in the Netherlands – Stichting Kinderfonds Van Dusseldorp – Stichting Het R.C. Maagdenhuis – Polak Mainz Stichting – Oranjefonds – Ribbink van den Hoek Familiestichting – Stichting Rotterdam – Stichting Weeshuis der Doopsgezinden – VluchtelingenWerk Nederland – Stichting Zonnige Jeugd – a number of anonymous private funds.